COX .:. VIP -- Vendor Information Portal

for our Very Important Partners

Rev 202307
Cox Machine, Inc. Terms and Conditions

These Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (the "Terms and Conditions") apply to any Purchase Order ("PO") issued by Cox Machine, Inc. ("Cox") that is not governed by a written Master Purchase Agreement entered into between Cox and the vendor or seller named on the PO (the "Supplier"). Supplier's commencement of performance pursuant to or acknowledgment by electronic mail or otherwise of Cox's PO constitutes Supplier's acceptance of these Terms and Conditions without modification, alteration, deletion, or addition notwithstanding any contrary terms or provisions which may appear in or on any form or document produced by Supplier. Any additional or different terms in any form, document, or acknowledgement prepared and sent to Cox from Supplier are expressly rejected by Cox and will not be deemed accepted by Cox unless Cox responds in writing to the additional or different term and such writing specifically approves the additional or different term. The manufactured materials or goods described in the PO to be delivered by Supplier to Cox are referred to in these Terms and Conditions as the "Goods."

  1. Price; Payment Terms

    A separate original invoice is required for each shipment under the PO. Cox will pay for the Goods within forty-five (45) days after the later of the date of Cox's receipt of the applicable invoice or the date acceptable Goods are received by Cox (but not earlier than the specified delivery date). Supplier warrants that the prices charged to Cox are no higher than the lowest prices charged to any other customer during the past twelve months for the same or comparable Goods.

    The price will reflect shipping F.O.B. Cox's Wichita facility. Cox will not accept C.O.D. shipments. Supplier will be responsible for payment of all charges for handling, shipping, packaging, wrapping, bags, container, boxing, crating, labeling, customs and duties, taxes (except for Kansas sales tax, if any), storage, insurance and other related matters. Supplier will cause all Goods to be insured for the full value during all phases of packaging and delivery and such insurance will remain in place until such time as Cox has accepted delivery of Goods at its Wichita facility.

    The price includes all taxes directly applicable to the Goods unless otherwise specified. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Cox will only be liable for such federal, state, and local taxes that Supplier is required by law to collect from Cox.

  2. Supplier Awareness

    The Supplier shall ensure that all employees supporting the Supplier are aware of:

    1. Their contribution to product or service conformity
    2. Their contribution to product safety
    3. The importance of ethical behavior

  3. Foreign Object Damage (FOD)

    The Supplier shall ensure a FOD prevention program is in place to prevent any damage attributed to Foreign Object Debris (FOD) that can be expressed in physical or economic terms, which could potentially degrade the product or system's required safety and/or performance characteristics.

  4. Counterfeit Parts

    Supplier shall prevent the use of counterfeit parts.

  5. Electrical Counterfeit Parts

    In response to continually evolving, significant, and increasing risk of counterfeit electrical, electronic, and electromechanical (EEE) parts entering the supply chain, posing significant performance, reliability, and safety risks the Supplier shall have a counterfeit parts program in accordance with AS5553 when supplying EEE parts.

  6. Cox Inspections

    Cox's rights to perform inspections, surveillance, and tests and to review procedures, practices, processes, and documents related to quality assurance, quality control, and configuration control at Supplier's facility or its subcontractor's facility, a right which Supplier hereby grants to Cox, will extend to Cox's customers. Supplier will cooperate with any government-directed or Cox-directed inspection, surveillance, test or review, without additional charge to Cox. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will be interpreted to limit United States Government access to Supplier's facilities pursuant to law or regulation.

  7. Supplier Inspections

    Supplier will inspect and otherwise verify that all Goods, including those components procured from or furnished by others, comply with the requirements of the PO prior to shipment. Supplier is responsible for all tests and inspections. Supplier agrees to furnish copies of test and/or control in data upon request of Cox. Supplier must assure Cox in writing that all Goods and production comply with Cox's Quality Assurance and Product Data (DPD) surveys and that the Goods are processed and shipped in compliance with the latest version of Cox's specifications. Supplier will maintain inspection records for a period of ten (10) years, which records must directly reflect that all Goods were produced in accordance with applicable specifications. The Supplier must contact Cox Machine - "Designated Quality Representative" (DQR), after the retention period, for specific destruction directions - prior to destroying any records

    It is required that the FAI from the first production run of a new product is to be done to verify that production processes, documentation, equipment and tooling have the capability to produce products that meet engineering requirements. First Article Inspections will be performed on all major components of product being supplied to Cox Machine, Inc., including both details and assemblies. The FAI process shall be repeated when changes occur that invalidate the original results such as engineering changes, manufacturing process changes or tooling changes.

    Vendor is required to perform a First Article when any of the following occur:

    • A change in the design characteristics affecting fit, form, function, or configuration.
    • Engineering changes initiated by the customer that affect fit, form, function, or configuration.
    • Specification changes that affect fit, form or function.
    • A change in the manufacturing source (internal to a supplier, or a supplier to internal).
    • A change in the manufacturing processes (from inception up through final processing).
    • A change in the inspection method (CMM to bench or vice versa).
    • A change in the location of manufacturing (from one machine or work center to another).
    • A change in manufacturing tooling.
    • A change in the inspection tooling.
    • A change to the NC Program that affects fit, form, function, or configuration.
    • A lapse in manufacturing for two (2) years defined as the completion of the last production operation to the actual restart of production.

    When changes from the initial "Full" FAI occur, requirements may be satisfied by performing a partial "Delta" FAI Report that addresses and validates conformance only to the changes that have occurred. When a Delta FAI is performed, the affected fields of the FAI form shall be completed. If changes to the initial FAI are major or significant, a "Full" First Article shall be completed to define conformance to the changes of the initial FAI. FAI's will be performed utilizing AS9102B form or equivalent document. Existing older FAI's not completed on these defined forms are acceptable, but all new original and Delta FAI's shall be completed on the forms as stated. FAI's are required to maintain on file for a minimum of ten (10) years and be available for review by Cox Machine at any time. For Boeing end use product, Boeing reserves the right to conduct surveillance of the FAI at any-time as flowed down through Boeing Quality Purchasing Data Requirements Document X31764.

  8. Change Orders

    Cox may at any time, by written notice to Supplier, make changes in the drawings, specifications, quantities, delivery schedules, and shipping instructions under a PO. If any such change increases or decreases the cost of performing or the time required for performance of the PO, an equitable adjustment in prices and/or schedules will be considered by Cox provided that any claim by Supplier for such adjustment is presented in writing with supporting documentation to Cox within two (2) business days from the date of Cox's notice to Supplier. No changes (Supplier Process or Manufacturing Location) whatsoever will be initiated by Supplier without Cox's written approval.

  9. Subcontracting and Mandatory Flow Down

    Supplier shall notify Cox Machine immediately if they fail accreditation or customer approval on any previously approved processes along with a list of product impacted due to the loss of the customer/regulatory approval.

    Supplier will not enter into a subcontract for manufacture or procurement of any Goods without first obtaining Cox's prior written approval. This does not, however, preclude Supplier from purchasing raw materials from subtiers as long as such raw materials are in compliance with the specifications standards and rules of the PO and the Supplier and its subtiers must comply with all mandatory flow down clauses, whether pursuant to U.S. Government contract or otherwise which are applicable to Cox and the Goods.

    Every PO must be accompanied by SDS (safety data sheets) at the time of delivery. Failure to supply SDS with shipment will result in delay of parts being received in and delay payment to the supplier. SDS's must be GHS compliant and the latest revision.

    Process or supply product to the latest revision of specifications.

    For Honda products, raw material mills are to be of U.S. origin or other "FAA Bilateral Airworthiness Safety Agreement (BASA)" country as identified on the following link:

    For all UTAS part numbers, vendors must comply with all applicable quality requirements, including ASQR-01/-01-AA.

    To the extent Supplier is subject to NIST SP 800-171 security requirements in accordance with DFARS 252.204-7012, Supplier represents that it has (1) completed within the last 3 years and will maintain at least a current basic NIST SP 800-171 DoD Assessment for all covered contractor information systems related to its business with Cox Machine that are not part of an information technology service or system operated on behalf of the Government and (2) submitted or will submit to the Government for posting to the USG's Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS), the information required by paragraph (d) of DFARS 252.204-7020 prior to accepting this Order from Cox Machine.

    U.S. Government Provisions:

    1. RTX Flowdown of US Government Terms and Conditions
    2. RTX USG Flowdown Updates

    For all Boeing/Spirit/Vought -

    Supplier will comply with any specifications stated on the face of the PO and with any applicable United States Government specifications including the latest version of Cox's specifications found at Additionally, the following rules are applicable to POs where Boeing is the end-user:

    1. A D1-4426 approved source must be used.
    2. Supplier hereby acknowledges that the parts and/or materials being shipped are intended for use under Boeing's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued Production Certificate 700 and no articles (or constituent parts thereof) or the accompanying paperwork (e.g., packages, shippers, etc.) contain any Federal Aviation Administration - Parts Manufacturer Approval (FAA-PMA) markings.
    3. Boeing aircraft models can be identified by the following part number prefixes:
      1. 737 Classic = 65-, 66-, 69-, 65C
      2. 737 New Gen = XXXA
      3. 747 = 65B, 65U
      4. 757 = XXXN
      5. 767 = XXXT
      6. 777 = XXXW
      7. 787 = XXXZ
    4. If any part requires shot peen, Supplier must note the requirement for a certificate of conformance statement stating there are limitations to thermal exposure and metal removal after shot peening.
    5. All Boeing end-user part numbers are to be considered commercial unless specifically stated as military on the PO.
    6. BAC5439 is superseded by BSS7055.
    7. Supplier agrees and acknowledges that the parts and/or material being shipped under the PO are intended for use under Boeing's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued Production Certificate 700.

    For Boeing Products, Cox Machine Suppliers must communicate to their employees and throughout their supply chain on what "Acceptance Authority Media" (AAM) is and how it relates to them. The Seller shall comply with the requirements of AS9100 and 14CFR Part 21.2 regarding the AAM requirements. The objective is to reinforce that it is everyone's "Personal Warranty" when they place their stamp on a Quality Record. Quality Records are created when we complete operations on our jobs, purchase order, etc, reflecting that the Technical, Contractual, and Regulatory Requirements have been met, prior to placing our stamp on a record whether Electronic, Paper, or otherwise.

    For Cessna -

    1. Cessna – Raw Material – Steel – Cessna does not require that steel products be procured from approved suppliers, therefore no approved suppliers are documented for the procurement of steel raw material. The supplier must comply to imposed steel raw material specification requirements and show record of compliance by supplying a certification of conformance. In this case, Cox Machine's internal Approved Supplier Listing would only apply.
    2. Cessna – Raw Material – Aluminum – Approved Suppliers for the procurement of Aluminum Extrusions are listed within Cessna specification CSTI036.
    3. Cessna – Raw Material – Aluminum Sheet and Plate – Approved Suppliers for the procurement of Aluminum sheet and plate are listed within Cessna specification CMMP025.

    For Hawker Beechcraft

    1. Special Processes that Require Approval to Perform –
    2. Suppliers Approved for Special Processing –
    3. Suppliers for Raw Material –

    For Middle River (MRAS) – MRAS Approved Processors

    For Rolls Royce – BR725 Approved Raw Material Supplier List

    For Airbus – Go to, scroll to the "Commercial Aircraft" section, and select the applicable approved suppliers list under "Approved Suppliers Lists".

    For National Defense Rated Orders – Any vendor who places or receives a rated order should be throughly familiar with, and comply with, the provisions of 15 CFR 700:

  10. Business Ethics and Conduct

    At Cox Machine our success is based on the honest and ethical treatment of our customers, suppliers, and employees. The Company requires our suppliers to conduct business ethically and in accordance with the letter, spirit, and intent of all relevant laws and regulations.

  11. Ownership of Intellectual Property

    Cox retains title and ownership of all information, patents materials and intellectual property ("Cox IP") furnished to Supplier or developed by Supplier in connection with performance of the PO, and the same will be: (i) treated as and will legally become Cox's sole property segregated from Supplier's property, and individually marked and identified as Cox's property; (ii) used by Supplier exclusively for the purpose of completing the PO, and (iii) returned to Cox at Cox's direction or upon completion, termination, or cancellation of the PO, along with all copies or reproductions, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Cox. Except as noted in this paragraph, all work product and intellectual property developed in relation to Goods for sale to Cox in conjunction with the performance of a PO is and will be the sole property of Cox and that Cox will have all rights therein or arising from such and the same will also be deemed Cox's IP. To the extent all rights in Cox IP do not automatically vest in Cox, Supplier and each employee or subcontractor of Supplier hereby assigns and grants to Cox all of the right, title, and interest of every kind and nature in any IP, without additional compensation for doing so, in a manner that will enable Cox to fully secure the applicable Cox IP rights. Supplier and each of its employees waive any and all of their respective intellectual property rights in the Cox IP. Cox IP does not include Supplier's background patent and intellectual property rights. Supplier grants to Cox an irrevocable, non-exclusive and world-wide license of all intellectual property owned or controlled by Supplier, but only to the extent that such intellectual property rights would interfere with Cox's use or enjoyment of the Goods delivered by Supplier.

  12. Storage of Goods Prior to the Time for Delivery

    Supplier will store Goods at its cost in a safe manner and not subject to environmental degradation until the Goods are ready for shipment to Cox.

  13. Packing

    Goods will be suitably prepared for shipment to secure the lowest transportation rates (unless a premium method is specified on the face of a PO) and comply with all carrier regulations. No charges are allowed for packing, crating, freight express, or cartage unless authorized by Cox. Aluminum clad material must be interleafed with foam, craft paper or similar grade and quality protective packaging.

  14. Liens, Claims and Encumbrances

    Supplier warrants and represents that all the Goods when delivered will be free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances and infringements of any patents, trademarks, copyrights or franchise rights.

  15. Routing, Risk of Loss, Excess Shipments and Delays

    Time is of the essence in the performance of POs. Supplier will take all necessary action, both normal and extraordinary, to ensure timely deliveries. If Cox selects the mode of transportation, routing of, and carrier for the Goods on the face of the PO, Supplier will be liable for excess transportation costs resulting from deviation. Supplier will bear the risk of loss until the delivery point specified in the PO or, if not so specified, until delivery at Cox's dock in Wichita, Kansas. If Supplier believes that it will be unable to meet its delivery schedule, Supplier will immediately notify Cox in writing. Upon receipt of notice of the anticipated delay or upon occurrence of an actual delay, Cox may (i) direct expedited routing of Goods, with excess costs paid by Supplier, or (ii) cancel the PO and purchase substitute Goods elsewhere.

  16. Rejection of Goods and Revocation of Acceptance

    Cox's action in paying for or initially accepting any Goods will not constitute a waiver of any rights or remedies of Cox, including Cox's right to revoke acceptance and return any part of the Goods or the right to make a claim for damages because of the failure of the Goods to conform to the PO. For all non-conforming Goods, Supplier will provide Cox, at Cox's election, a full refund or replacement of the Goods, at Supplier's risk and expense, including transportation costs both ways. As an example of grounds for rejection, Cox will not accept hardware marked "FAA-PMA." Cox may, at its option, purchase substitute Goods in lieu of non-conforming Goods, and Supplier will be liable for the difference in costs, less expenses saved by Cox. Cox's rights herein will be in addition to all other rights of Cox under the PO and applicable law.

  17. Quality; Warranties

    Supplier warrants that all Goods delivered will strictly conform to the PO (and all applicable Cox specifications); will be of good design, material, and workmanship; will be free of defects; will be merchantable and fit for their intended purpose; and will meet all applicable industrial and governmental safety standards. Supplier further warrants that Supplier will have title to and the right to sell such Goods at the time of delivery, and that all such Goods will be new (unless otherwise specified in the PO) at the time of delivery. Supplier will also transfer to Cox the warranties on goods and services incorporated into Goods. All warranties will survive any inspections, delivery, acceptance or payment by Cox, and will run to Cox, its successors, assigns, customers and users of Goods. Cox may, at its option and without cost to Cox, either (i) return for credit or refund any defective or nonconforming Goods, (ii) require prompt correction or replacement of the defective or nonconforming Goods, or (iii) repair the defective or nonconforming Goods and charge Supplier for all related repair costs. Return to Supplier of defective or nonconforming Goods and re-delivery to Cox of corrected or replaced Goods will be at Supplier's expense and Supplier will pay for all other resulting damage, loss or claims arising out of defective or nonconforming Goods. Supplier's warranties with respect to repaired or replaced Goods will be the same as the warranties given with respect to the original Goods. No approval of Supplier's designs, drawings, samples, test results, procedures, processes, schedules or other items by Cox will in any way limit or diminish Supplier's warranties hereunder.

  18. Indemnification

    Supplier agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Cox, including its officers, directors, employees, parent, subsidiaries, affiliates and agents (collectively, the "Indemnified Party"), harmless of and from any claim, loss, cost, damage, settlement or judgment arising out of Supplier's provision of Goods to the Indemnified Party or the presence of Supplier's employees, agents or subcontractors on the Indemnified Party's premises. This duty to defend, indemnify and hold harmless extends to any legal claim or proceeding, whether based on contract, warranty, infringement, strict liability in tort, negligence or other legal theory, and also extends not only to third party claims but also to any loss suffered directly by the Indemnified Party. Cox is entitled to control Supplier's defense of Cox hereunder.

  19. Limitations of Cox's Liability

    Any liability of Cox for any breach of any term or condition imposed upon it, whether such term or condition is contained in these Terms and Conditions or otherwise, will not exceed the purchase price for the Goods involved in the alleged breach. Cox will not under any circumstance be liable for consequential or incidental damages.

  20. Assignment

    Supplier will not assign or delegate any of its rights or interest in a PO without the prior written consent of Cox, which consent Cox will give in its sole and absolute discretion. The prohibition against assignment or delegation includes, without limitation, a change of control of Supplier. Change of control means any of the following transactions: (a) the sale or other transfer to, or acquisition by, any person of securities possessing more than fifty percent (50%) of the total combined voting power of the outstanding securities of Supplier in one or more related transactions; or (b) the sale or other transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of Supplier in one or more related transactions, whether by sale, exchange, merger, consolidation, reorganization, dissolution, or liquidation; or (c) a merger or consolidation (or series of related transactions culminating in a merger or consolidation) (i) in which Supplier is not the surviving entity, except for a transaction the principal purpose of which is to change its state of domicile, or (ii) in which Supplier is the surviving entity but in which securities possessing more than fifty percent (50%) of the total combined voting power of its outstanding securities are transferred to a person or persons different from those who held such securities immediately prior to such event. Failure to obtain approval of any assignment, including an involuntary assignment to creditors, will constitute a breach which may lead to termination of any outstanding POs.

  21. Cox's Remedies

    All of Cox's rights and remedies under any PO or at law are cumulative and non-exclusive. In the event of a delivery delay other than due to Force Majeure or in the event the Supplier delivers nonconforming Goods which Cox rejects, the parties acknowledge that Cox may suffer and Supplier may be liable for significant costs, including administrative costs, and damages at law and that Cox may proceed to press its claims against Supplier and, at the same time, pursue corrective actions.

    1. Administrative Expenses

      Supplier agrees to be liable for certain administrative expenses incurred by Cox because of such delay(s) or rejection(s). Administrative expenses include but are not limited to: employee overtime; telecommunication costs; transportation charges; special handling expenses; and various anticipated and unanticipated costs to install the products out of the normal manufacturing sequence. The nature and actual amount of costs, damages and administrative expenses associated with delivery delay are uncertain and difficult to calculate. Therefore, but separate and apart from Cox's right to pursue Other Rights and Remedies to recover its actual costs and damages, the parties agree Cox may, in its sole discretion, invoice Supplier for administrative expenses associated with delivery or developmental delay or delivery of rejected Goods. The parties acknowledge that such payments are not intended as a penalty, but are in lieu of actual calculation of such administrative expenses. If Cox chooses to invoice for the administrative expenses, such expenses – regardless of their actual amount – will equal the greater of 1% of the value of the delinquent or rejected Goods per day of delay (or rejection turnaround or second sourcing) or $100 for each item per day for such days of delay or turnaround ("Administrative Claim"); however, Cox will not invoice Supplier for the Administrative Claim for any delay or rejection that is resolved to Cox's sole satisfaction within five (5) days. This calculation represents a reasonable estimate of the additional administrative expenses to be incurred by Cox in in such circumstances. Cox's election to invoice for such administrative expenses as agreed reimbursement for administrative costs on any one or more occasions will not, however, preclude Cox from recovering the actual costs and damages (including reasonable attorney fees) incurred because of delayed delivery or rejected Goods even on those occasions when the administrative expenses are charged or any other occasion, as determination and invoicing of administrative expenses is a matter separate and apart from Cox's potential claims for actual costs and damages. Cox's exercise of rights under this provision will not preclude Cox from exercising its option to cancel a given PO, even if Supplier has (a) paid such administrative charges or actual damages to Cox on prior occasions, or (b) if repeated incidents of later or rejected delivers in the aggregate (or a single significant incident of delay or rejection) materially adversely affect Cox's ability to enjoy the bargained for benefits of the PO on an ongoing basis.

    2. Other Rights and Remedies

      In the event of such delay(s) or rejection(s), Cox, in its sole and absolute discretion, may elect to pursue any or all legal or equitable rights and claims in addition to or in lieu of an Administrative Claim. This includes, as illustration and not as limitation, the right to pursue claims for all damages, expenses, and costs incurred directly or indirectly by the delay(s) or rejection(s), including any charges or penalties assessed to Cox by its customer, and the right to terminate the PO with Supplier, as well as a reasonable attorney fee for pursuing such remedies.

  22. Non-Compliant Shipments

    Supplier will be charged a $250.00 administrative fee each time (a) Supplier ships Goods in excess of the allowable PO tolerance without prior approval from Cox, or (b) Supplier's Goods are rejected at Cox's facility.

    If non-conforming product is identified by the Vendor after delivery, the Vendor must send an "Notification of Escape (NOE)" to Cox Machine within 48 hours of when the escape is identified no matter the situation, condition, or delivery destination.

  23. Setoff

    Payment to Supplier under the PO is subject to set-off or recoupment for any present or future claims that Cox or its affiliates may have against Supplier or its affiliates under any other contract.

  24. Termination for Convenience

    Cox may terminate all or part of a PO by written notice to Supplier. Any such written notice of termination will specify the effective date and the extent of any such termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Cox may only implement this provision in the exercise of good faith and solely to the extent necessary: (i) to terminate a PO erroneously entered by it or its agent; (ii) to terminate all or part of a PO with respect to Goods that Cox subsequently determines it has no actual need of in its processes and does not use in its processes; or (iii) to the extent Cox's customer has terminated all or part of its contract with Cox and such termination directly affects the Goods. Cox will not use this provision in a situation primarily to permit it to obtain for itself or its customers more favorable pricing or other terms with respect to Goods. In addition, any reimbursement to Supplier will be limited to the same extent Cox is limited to seeking reimbursement from its customer.

  25. Event of Default; Remedies

    The occurrence of any one or more of the following events will constitute an "Event of Default":

    1. Any failure by Supplier to deliver, when and as required by a PO, any Good;
    2. Any failure by Supplier to perform or comply with any obligation as set forth in these Terms and Conditions and such failure continues unremedied for a period of ten (10) days or more following receipt by Supplier of notice of Cox specifying such failure;
    3. Suspension, dissolution, or winding-up of Supplier's business;
    4. Supplier's insolvency, inability to pay debts, or nonpayment of debts, as they become due;
    5. Initiation by Supplier of bankruptcy proceedings;
    6. An assignment by Supplier for the benefit of its creditors;
    7. Supplier ceases, or threatens to cease, to carry on business.

    If any Event of Default occurs, Cox may in its sole and absolute discretion implement or require one or more of the following:

    1. Termination – Cox may, by giving written notice to Supplier, immediately cancel any and all POs, in whole or in part, and Cox will not be required after such notice to accept the tender by Supplier of any Goods subject to termination;
    2. Supplier must continue work not canceled;
    3. Cover – Cox may manufacture, produce or provide, or may engage any other persons to manufacture, produce or provide, any Goods in substitution for the Goods to be delivered or provided by Supplier. In addition to any other remedies or damages available to Cox hereunder or at law or in equity, Cox may recover from Supplier the difference between the agreed price for such Goods and the aggregate expense, including, without limitation, administrative and other indirect costs, paid or incurred by Cox to manufacture, produce or provide, or engage other persons to manufacture, produce or provide, the Goods;
    4. Title – Cox may require Supplier to transfer title and deliver to Cox, as directed by Cox, any (i) completed Good, and (ii) any partially completed Good and materials, parts, tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, plans, drawings, information and contract rights that Supplier has specifically produced or acquired for the canceled portion of a PO;
    5. Rework or Repair – where allowed, Cox or its designee may rework or repair any Good;
    6. Cox will, at its option, have the right to set off against and apply to the payment or performance of any obligation, sum, or amount owing at any time to Cox under any PO or any other agreement with Supplier or any affiliate of Supplier, all deposits, amounts, or balances held by Cox for the account of Supplier or any affiliate of Supplier and any amounts owed by Cox to Supplier or any affiliate of Supplier, regardless of whether such deposit, amount, balance, or other amount or payment is then due and owing.
    7. Supplier will be entitled to receive from Cox reasonable compensation for any Good accepted by Cox which has been transferred to Cox; provided, however, that such compensation will not be paid directly to Supplier, but will be accounted for as a set off against any damages payable by Supplier to Cox as a result of any Event of Default.
  26. Applicable Law; Disputes

    The interpretation of the PO and the rights and obligations of Cox and Supplier will be construed and governed by the substantive and procedural laws enacted in the state of Kansas, except that Kansas's choice of law rules will not be invoked for the purpose of applying the law of another jurisdiction. The U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will not apply to the PO. The parties agree to personal jurisdiction in the state and federal courts in the state of Kansas and that the exclusive venue for any dispute involving a PO is state and federal courts in Sedgwick County, Kansas.

  27. Customer Agreements

    Supplier acknowledges that Cox has written agreements with customers which require Cox to bind its suppliers to certain terms and conditions. Supplier agrees to be bound, to the extent applicable to Supplier, by any and all such customer agreements.

  28. Export Compliance

    In performing work under any PO, Supplier and its subcontractors will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, and the rules and regulations of any governmental authority. Specifically, Supplier agrees to comply with all applicable U.S. export control laws and regulations, specifically including, but not limited to, the requirements of the Arms Export Control Act, 22 U.S.C. 2751-2794, including the International Traffic in Arms Regulation ("ITAR"), 22 C.F.R. 120 et seq.; and the Export Administration Act, 50 U.S.C. 2401-2420, including the Export Administration Regulations ("EAR"), 15 C.F.R. 730-774; and including the requirement for obtaining any export license or agreement, if applicable.

    Supplier represents and warrants that (a) it is not a representative of a foreign interest; (b) it will not employ foreign persons on the effort related to this PO; and (c) it is a U.S. firm incorporated under U.S. law. Supplier will notify Cox immediately if any of these representations or warranties changes.

    Supplier will ensure that Goods that are subject to the ITAR and/or EAR will not be exported, re-exported, transferred, or released to a foreign person or country for international shipments, without first complying with all applicable U.S. export requirements; and will immediately notify Cox if Supplier is, or becomes, listed on any U.S. or other government list of restricted or prohibited persons, or if Supplier's export privileges are otherwise denied, suspended or revoked in whole or in part by any government entity or agency.

  29. Miscellaneous

    1. The PO constitutes the entire agreement between Cox and Supplier with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all previous proposals, both oral and written, negotiations, representations, commitments, writings, and all other communications between Cox and Supplier. No waiver, alteration, modification of or addition to the PO will be binding unless expressly agreed to in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of Cox and Supplier. A waiver of any PO term or condition will not be deemed a continuing waiver, but will apply solely to the instance to which the waiver is specifically, in writing, directed.
    2. Any conflict between provisions on the face of the PO and these terms and conditions will be resolved so that the provisions printed directly on the PO prevail.

Rev 202307